Monday, May 7, 2012

Extended Breastfeeding

I am very much enjoying nursing Bunny (who turned two on April 5th) these days. We have such a good nursing relationship. She is very polite about it and asks, "I please have nursies?" If I am right in the middle of something, and try to put her off until later, she comes back with, "Just a diddle (little) bit?" Though there are times she has to wait, I am a sucker for her smooth talk. I can usually find the time to sit down and snuggle for a few minutes. I love talking to her while she nurses. I love when she answers my questions with her mouth full of sweet milk, and then giggles because she knows what I am up to. I ask her what it tastes like. She tells me, "Milk!"

Bunny typically nurses for about 1-5 minutes depending on the situation. The other day she had nursed for a few minutes and I told her the nursies needed a break and that I had to go clean up the kitchen now. She looked deep into my eyes and with a pouty lip said, "I miss nursies all day!" I assured her she could nurse again in a little while, and she climbed off my lap and went to play happily. She is a very reasonable two year old.

Our night time nursing adventures have come to an end. Bunny nurses to sleep, and not again until her papa's alarm goes off around 5:00am. Every now and then she wakes up and asks to, but I just tell her that the nursies are sleeping and she can have some in the morning. Then she rubs my lips (her other source of comfort) and dozes back off to sleep.

This could be our family's portrait. Love it!

It has always been my goal to nurse Bunny until she was at least two. Even though I have reached my goal, I have no plans to wean her anytime soon. I figure as long as we are both happy with our nursing relationship, there is no need to end it. 

I linked up with Mama Moments!


  1. Hats off to you. As a working mom, I wasn't able to nurse as long as I wanted, but I had a year with each child. This was back in the 90's, so a lot of people thought I was a bit odd. But I know that my children benefited and so did I.

    1. I think it is great that your nursed, while working outside the home! So many mamas give up when they combine work and nursing. My mama nursed me for three years (1990-1993) and faced the same lack of support that you are talking about.

  2. What a beautiful story. It brought me back to when I nursed my kids, all over two years old. The only one I ever weaned was my daughter at about 2 1/4 but I regret it. I nursed my second while I was pregnant with my third and he just weaned himself. I think my third one weaned at about 3 but I forget. Nursing is quite possibly the most awesome thing in the world!!!

    1. It really is, isn't it!!! I am 32 weeks pregnant and so far nursing is going strong, so I am pretty sure I will have two nursers come July <3

  3. Hi from New Zealand , you are the lucky winner of my May wool picture, just email me on "Happy days" cheers Marie

    1. Oh thank you! Your May wool picture is beautiful!! I will meail you right away!

  4. Thank you so much for featuring Nursies in your blog post. I just really loved hearing about how much your sweet nursling LOVES her nursies. What a beautiful post :)

  5. I love that you are still nursing Bunny. I think it will be a great experience to nurse her and your new baby tandem...or she might decide at that point it's "for the baby".

    I nursed Zia until her 3rd birthday, and then she pretty much just stopped. I think in her mind she turned into a big girl and grew out of it. We still talk about "nummies" (in the context of the new baby now), and sometimes when we are in the bath, she pretends she's coming after me for a drink. I desperately try to escape, which of course brings peals of laughter from her!


    1. Mia! My mama nursed me until my 3rd birthday! And I love that you and Zia bathe together--Bunny and I always have!

    2. Yes, we love our baths! All the toys come in too, so if I'm in the mood for a peaceful soak, I have to sneak my bath. :)

      How fun that your mom nursed you till you were 3. Thank God for wise mamas, even back when nursing wasn't considered to be so cool!

  6. a nice read! I'm nursing a 3 yr old and it doesn't seem like we're going to wean any time soon....

  7. I love nursing but I usually quit around 16 months. My baby doll is 18 months old now and she doesn't seem to have any desire to quit. I want to quit every time she bites me...which is often!

    1. I am sure every child is different. My mom has always told young moms, after a year, if one or both of the nursing partners (meaning toddler or mama) are miserable.. make some changes and don't feel bad if you end up stoppng. She weaned my brother at 19 months because he was a very demanding (rude lol) nurser. Best wishes for a bite free nursing day!!

  8. LOVE this post! I am still nursing my 22 month old and I am in the process of night weaning. I didn't even KNOW there was a book about this (and she's my THIRD nursling!) Love those snuggly cuddly times. :) Stopping by from the Mama Moments link up!

    I'm a new follower on your fb page. :)

  9. I have practiced baby-led weaning with all five of our children. They all weaned at different ages, but my present little one has nursed the longest of all of them. He will be three in August (in just about three months!).

    Enjoy this time, they really do grow up so fast! My oldest will be 13 in just 2 seems like just yesterday I was nursing her! :)
