Saturday, May 26, 2012

An Enchanted Childhood Playschool ~ May 21st-May 25th

Now that warm weather had decided to stay, we spend more and more of our playschool hours outside. Taking nature walks is a favorite thing to do.  We have named the various paths.. Nature Path, Bear Cave Path, etc.  The children are such quick learners and love to show off their knowledge!  Several times a day they run to us saying "Look!" and then they tell us the name of their discovery!

Red Clover


Baby Berries!

A Fern!

A GIANT fern!

Down The Nature Path!

Jumping in the mud!

Look closely--two boys on Two Tree Mountain!

"Watch me!"


Fun times!


  1. what sweet photos you took!! looks like you guys had a wonderful time!

  2. These are really awesome photos!!! I have a couple nature lovers myself. Always wanting to be outdoors. :)

  3. Love all the things they found!

    Thanks for linking up with Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  4. what an amazing play space. How lucky the children are to be able to roam and explore. Thanks for linking this to Kids Co-op
