Thursday, April 7, 2011

Giveaway Week: Thursday

In honor of Bunny's birthday week, I am planning to do one giveaway a day, Sunday - Saturday. This should be fun as well as bring new veiwers to both my blog and others involved.

Two sets of baby leg warmers!

Made by my big sister, Meagan, Meg's Legs are a must have for any little girl. They are great under a dress, or just with a onesie.

To enter this giveaway, follow my blog, and leave a comment below. Comments will close at 8:00 am 4/8/2011. The winner will be chosen by the luck of the draw and announced in this post by the end of that day. Thanks for supporting and participating!




  1. I love these things! But every time i go out people are like ' oh wheres her socks' then they feel her feet and their surprised by how warm they are.And I liked your facebook page.

  2. =) too Cute! WE LIked your page and these would make an adorable baby shower gift for my cousin.

  3. They make nice arm warmers for adults also
    The reason I started making these was I wanted multiple pairs to match just about every outfit nd they are easier to change diapers than tights but brand ones you buy in the stores cost about $10 a pair and no way caqn I have multiple pairs at that price- my solution is to make my own!

  4. Those are too cute! I *liked* your page.

    And just to let you know I LOVE reading your blog!

  5. Liked your page :D These Meg's Legs look perfect in ever way! Love it!

  6. Going to lick... like your page! Love these leg warmers and I *think* they might fit my toddler!!!

    Nicole P.

  7. I like you on facebook now, and already follow you. I have a pair of leggings and my baby just wore them for the first time yesterday. We'd like to try more of them!

  8. I had no idea you COULD make them. It's cool that you figured that out, Meagan. :)

  9. Cute baby and cute baby legs. I'd love to win some. Thanks for heads up about Meg's Legs.
