Saturday, January 1, 2011

An Enchanted Childhood~Muffin Tin Meals

While we are allll about routine and rhythm, it is fun to stir things up a bit from time to time, with special little treats.  After a morning of playing out in the snow, it was time to head in and warm up with some hot cocoa.  It was also time for lunch.  It was decided that a picnic lunch, while watching a Peter Rabbit video, would be a fun way to end the morning and head into NapTime.  The cook (me, Nana Kerri) also decided it was time for a Muffin Tin Meal!

A Muffin Tin Meal is exactly what you see--a meal made up of small amounts of a variety of foods, served in a muffin tin.  We just happened to own 4 snowflake-shaped muffin tins, bought on clearance last winter (75% off)  In our meal, we had gingerbread men-shaped and flavored marshmallows, mandarin oranges, mini carrots with ranch, yogurt, "snowflake cookies" (otherwise known as cereal), and green beans.  They children had 1/2 cocoa&1/2 milk for their drink--warm of course!

Lest you think we are all creative and cool, with this idea...we stole it!!!  LOL  This mama Muffin Tin Mom has many cool meal ideas.   While googling the previous link so I could share it with you, I came across a whole photo album on Flickr devoted to Muffin Tim Meals.  And WHO KNEW, Facebook has a Muffin Tin Meal page , which I am headed to now!

So have fun, be creative, make memories for your children!!