7:00-8:30 Children arrive, free play in the family room
8:30 Breakfast (a fruit, grain, and milk)
9:00 Shelf Time and Table Time
9:45 Circle Time (songs, stories…)
10:00 Snack (fruit and water cups)
Creative Time (art, crafts, playdough…)
11:00 Outside if it is 40* or above, or an occasional snow play day!!!! (if weather is bad, we move to the living room for blocks, the barn, yoga, and more active play)
11:45 Inside, TV/DVD while lunch is being made
12:00 Lunch (includes two veggies and milk)
12:30 Story Time, followed by nap/rest time
3:00 Snack, followed by play time
I love our daily rhythm. The children do too <3