We had a midwife appointment and all is well. The Hubs was able to be here for this one and I was glad that we got to go over all the details and complications that can occur during labor and birth and ask any questions he had. He talked to Ruth (the lead midwife) about wanting to catch the baby. I think she is used to more hands off dads, and seemed kinda shocked that he would even want to catch Squirrely. She had no problem with it though. We also discussed not cutting the cord until the placenta has been born, as well as other various things about the birth. Bunny got to "help" the midwives do all the measuring and checking they do. Nana did take her to another room so they could listen to the heartbeat, since almost two year olds tend to not be quiet when needed. After they left, I was overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude over getting to work with such wonderful people who understand exactly what I want in a birth.
We have also been checking a few things off of our list of things to do before the birth. Mama ordered a bunch of different homoeopathics and herbs. We also ordered a
wrap dress for labor that I absolutely LOVE. So much, in fact, that we ordered a second one to have as back up. I have been working on a
YouTube play list of songs I might like to listen to during labor (if you have any ideas of songs I should add, please let me know in the comments). Once the list is finished, I plan to have The Hubs make a CD of the songs, so I don't have to wait for them to buffer.
It is all coming along quite well. I am so excited.
24 weeks |
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