A week ago today, The Hubs, Bunny, and I were on our way to the beach. A ten hour car ride with a one year old is never something anyone enjoys, but the destination couldn't be resisted. We left at one in the morning and only made three stops the whole trip (Thank You God!).
My pouty faced sleeping baby... |
Love the upside down phone! |
Yummy organic cheddar bunnies... |
Bunny did not sleep as much as I thought she would, but she was content to play with a few toys, snack, and listen to music most of the time. She only got fussy once, just before the North Carolina state line. We stopped at the welcome center a little after 6am to nurse and let her run around for almost an hour. Other than that, our stops were fairly quick.
Hanging in the back seat with Bunny, wearing my favorite sunglasses... |
My view of Bunny's papa from the back seat... |
We arrived at Ocean Isle Beach, NC before noon last Saturday and got back late last night. The return trip was about the same with one added stop and a little more fussing right before we got here. As much fun as we had on vacation, we are all glad to be home.
My beach baby... |
My homebody... |
P.S. More vaca pics to come...
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