Sometimes I am organized and have a "lesson plan" ready to go. Other weeks, I wait for inspiration to show up! And it always does! This week, during our free play/Shelf Time, our littlest daycare girl spied a butterfly out the window--the 1st one we had seen this spring. And we were off! I tried to catch it, but it elluded me, so I made it the lesson for the week!!
Monday and Tuesday we read
From Caterpillar to Butterfly
. We acted out the fours stages: tiny little egg, crawling caterpillar, cocoon/chrysalis hanging from a branch or leaf and then opening up to a butterfly! We then headed to the table to paint some butterflies! (Notice our newest little "preschooler": Little Miss One Year Old Bunny!! Suddenly she thinks she needs to paint, snack, take part in every activity that the older kids do!)
Then we set to work making caterpillars. We used "bingo markers" to make some and foam circles to make others.
Friday, we worked a new puzzle, given to us by Mimi :) It fit our study perfectly--Insect Lore: Giant Life Cycle Floor Puzzle-Butterfly.
We then headed to the table to make a hand and fingerprint butterfly life cycle chart. Fingertip "egg", fingertips "caterpillar". full finger "cocoon", and two handed (painted one side and smashed hands together) "butterfly"!
This is my first visit to your blog. I had fun browsing through. I was very touched by your birth story and your thoughts on birth in general. My experience with my first child was so similar. The second experience was still in a hospital, but I had a very supportive midwife and I knew so much more about my needs in birth. I'm expecting Baby #3 in June/July, and we will be using a free-standing birth center. I'm so excited to have the home-like atmosphere that I've dreamed up. Best wishes for the rest of your journey!